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Narrative Alchemy will return!

The most recent opening for Narrative Alchemy has closed, but stay tuned for future offerings of the course.


In the meantime, you can learn more about the course below. 

about narrative alchemy

Narrative Alchemy is a nine-week course designed to deepen and direct your insights from your personal narratives toward your vision for your purposeful and authentic self-expression in the world. Together, our stories will become gold as we explore thought-provoking questions and our deep inner worlds. 

Green Valley

narrative alchemy offers a safe place to

-  Activate -
- Heal -
- Grow -
- Integrate -

Are you noticing you have more you want to say, do, and understand about your purpose and potential than you have yet experienced?

Are you noticing that you're feeling depleted by life, always giving and not giving yourself enough of what you want?

Are you playing small in your career, tending to swallow your feedback, tolerate grievances, and do more than your fair share because you don't know where to begin to reclaim your power and authority? 

Do you feel disconnected from your story, unsure of what is your next best move? 

Do you feel overwhelmed by work responsibilities, projects, and never-ending tasks that thwart you from connecting inward to discover what would truly makes you feel empowered and fulfilled? 

Do you say yes when you really want to say no, because you don't feel justified in holding boundaries to protect your time and energy? Do you feel disconnected from your intuition, unable to tap into your inner wisdom?


Wouldn't it feel good to reclaim your story, to embody it with a sense of honor and pride? 

Wouldn't it be thrilling to use your voice to speak to all you are and all you are becoming as you continue to grow and evolve into your whole, true, authentic self?

If you are feeling like you are stuck in a rut, feeling disconnected from your source of power and purpose, unclear of what your story is as you move forward in your life... you are not alone

Notebook and Pen

I have been there and it’s uncomfortable...

These pitfalls may sound familiar, if you . . .

→  Find yourself falling silent when you wish you had exactly the words for how you feel, but instead of clarity, you 

      feel confused. Maybe you talk to a friend or coworker seeking clarity, and maybe it helps, but usually, it doesn't. You just

      feel stuck between attitudes and choices that are not your own.


 Don't think of yourself as a writer, a moniker reserved for the published. Maybe you don't consider yourself

     creative in the least, but secretly wish you were wildly creative and  equally free.


 Second guess yourself, ignore your urges, and instead belabor choices that would be effortless if you spent

     time investigating how you feel, what you know to be true, and why it matters to you.


→  Undervalue your strengths and maybe don't even know your core values, the beliefs central to who you are at

     your most whole and true, that motivate and fulfill you. 


→  Let the inner voice of the critic get the best of you, keeping you from freely sharing  the fullness of your spirit,

      power, and brilliance.


→  Are practiced at putting your desires on hold until you have attended to the needs of others, those in your circle

      at work and at home. 


→  Know there's a part of you that longs to be less sensible and tidy in your decision-making and more whimsical,

      capacious, and lustful in your choices—How wild that sounds!


Stop putting knowing the fullness of who you are at your most connected, creative, and whole on the back burner.

The time is now to open up to all of who you are, to feel nourished by connecting inward with your values, your vision, and your voice. It's time to choose to be authentic, daring, and passionate in all that you do.

Countryside Road

Your stories are valuable because they are wholly your own, contributing to your unique identity--sharing your strengths, your character, your passions, and our values.


Our experiences become memories. Memories transform into stories we share when we connect with others about what we experienced in our lives, what was meaningful about it, and why. In our stories, we share who we are with the world. 


We do this for the sake of owning our narrative of the past, allowing it to come out of the shadows to inform how we are using our voice and taking action with intentionality, purpose, and vision.

Your freedom is found in understanding your whole story.
Loving your story is your path to loving yourself.

You may feel... 

vulnerable in thinking of sharing your stories.


You may feel... 

your stories are too painful to tell and revisit and too personal.


You may feel... 

this is too deep, too much to consider, too out of your comfort zone.

You may feel... 

more connected to living in the moment and less concerned about visioning for the future.

You may feel... 

you are not a writer, and therefore, have no place here.

You may feel...

you’re not creative enough, open enough, brave enough, enough, enough...

Why Narrative Alchemy?

  • I created this course for the person who is ready to turn the depth of their life experiences and the wisdom that it yields into story gold, helping them understand the fullness of who they are and who they are becoming as they design and lead a life they love. 

  • Narrative Alchemy will help you to transmute your life experiences into stories of discovery, identity, and desire. By exploring the answers to incisive questions and free writing to prompts designed to illuminate new insights and perspectives, you will feel supported as you develop awareness about your pivotal choices, both in the past and ones that are critical to expanding into your aligned and ignited next chapter: Your fulfilling, values-honoring, beautiful future.

  • Your story is your power. Our lived experience alchemizes into the stories we tell and the meaning we make about our journey. Reclaim the narrative of who you are and who you are becoming. You decide what are the pivotal moments of your life and what they offer you as resources to design and build a vision for a future you love: Your next chapter.

Are you ready to be re-sourced by connecting to the narrative gold of your story? 

Narrative Alchemy is my signature nine-week program that supports you to find your creative voice and write your story. 


Throughout these nine weeks, you'll receive: 

  • 90-minute weekly group Zoom calls

  • Live teaching, facilitation, and workshopping on the calls 

  • Course workbook complete with activity templates and further reading/writing resources

  • A 1:1 coaching call with Katie during or after the course 


Course Details

  • Dates: 9 Weeks Beginning April 12, 2023 

  • Time: Wednesdays 11am-12:30pm PST 

  • Cost: $695 

Loft Studio


“The whole program, group, and individual sessions opened my eyes. It was so dynamic. The work and the feedback helped me to see things from different perspectives. So useful moving forward!"

“I feel like I know myself so much better. I have newfound confidence in myself. I have found parts of myself I am now fond of. These aspects have been there all along, though I just couldn't see. I feel so empowered. I am ready to share more of myself with others."


Who am I?

Hello! I'm Katie Post. I am dedicated to calling out greatness in others, and myself!


As a leadership coach, facilitator, and writer, I support professionals and creatives to trust their inner power to create impact. I am a Certified Co-Active Coach with over 2000 hours of executive coaching experience. I am also a certified facilitator in Leadership Circle Profile, a certified practitioner of the Integrative-9 Enneagram Assessment, and a 200-hour RYS certified yoga teacher. I am a life-time lover of language and am working on publishing my first book, a memoir about my journey out of the fractured world of the family business and into wholeness. 

When I’m not writing or coaching, you can find me playing lots of pickleball with friends, snowboarding through the trees or at high speeds on groomers, walking the dogs (a 100-pound bernedoodle and a 10-pound dachshund mix), or cooking vegetarian meals for my family. My husband and I are raising two children at 11 and 13 years old to be as obsessed with travel and adventure as we are.  I live in Bend, Oregon and work with clients globally.

Are your storytelling juices flowing?

Are you scared, nervous, not ready, feeling all-in ready, or something in between? 


Fantastic! That means you have been picking up what I’ve been putting down. You should feel all the feels, it’s all about you being all in–fully engaged in what is lighting you up. 


Here’s the thing I want to leave you with before you make your next move. I believe your special swirl, your life experiences and your stories, are 100% what makes you YOU. Learn what that is so you can share your story with the world. 


We get out of life what we put into it. Live what you love, and get it all back. 


Ready to integrate the wholeness of your?


Still on the fence? I invite you to get on a call and explore whatever it is that you’re feeling and we’ll decide together if this is the right next step for you.

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