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Narrative Alchemy

9-Week Group Program

Writers of personal narrative seeking to connect to their story as a starting point of a larger self-discovery journey.

Narrative Alchemy is a course designed to help transmute our life experiences into stories of discovery, identity, and desire. In an intimate group of fellow creatives, we will widen our lens to take in the whole of our experiences, seeing how the pieces fit together in a unified narrative. Our stories become gold when they help us answer the defining questions of ourselves:


  • What meaning am I creating from my life experiences?

  • Who am I becoming as I expand and grow?

  • How does my past and present inform my future?


Throughout the program, we will connect, write, share our words, and carve a path forward as writers of personal narrative. Participants will be given passages of writing as inspiration as well as prompts, and together we will write what emerges, alchemizing our memories into the stories of our life.

Levitating Books
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Align & Shine

8-Week Group Program

Supporting women professionals discover what are the “non-negotiables” of their life

Align & Shine is a group program that encourages female professionals to deepen their understanding of what are their values, why they are important to honor, and how they serve as a barometer to gauge how aligned one is to living a fulfilling, on-purpose life for the sake of elevating their experience and that of others in their wider community and world. 


Together we will explore–


  • What is the meaning of the term values and their significance in connecting us to meaning and fulfillment 

  •  The importance of making conscious choices—the power of no—to live into values and vision 

  • Energy output as a means to gauge alignment to values

  • Self-awareness, conviction and courage, each day's intention becomes a fresh recommitment to empowered choice.

If the current Group Programs are not calling to you, let's explore other ways to integrate Co-Elevate into your life!

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